Executive Coaching

In elite sports, it goes without saying that successful athletes work together with a coach to be at the top of the game. Managers are like top athletes, often on their own. An executive coach can support them in achieving top performance by questioning their own behavioural patterns and jointly developing new approaches to solutions, using a targeted questioning technique.

It is about getting to know oneself properly, with one’s own strengths and weaknesses, constantly reflecting on one’s own actions and learning from them.

As a leader, you can benefit in two ways: by your own coaching experience reflecting and strengthening your leadership skills; and gaining important coaching skills, which you can then apply.

«Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.»

Albert Schweitzer

Content and procedures

Definitions of Coaching

«Coaching is a collaborative, solution-focused, result-oriented and systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of work performance, life experience, self-directed learning and personal growth of individuals from normal (i.e. non-clinical) populations.»
Grant, 2003

«Coaching with an explicit focus on the development and well-being of the leaders as well as the acquisition of performance-enhancing leadership/workplace coaching skills.»

Grant, 2016
Relationship between Coaching, Counseling, Mentoring, Training and Consulting