«With digitalization, the leadership framework for executives has been changing for years, offering more flexibility and automation to the courageous who embraced these new methods. With COVID-19, one of the accelerated aspects of digitalization was remote leadership, which became a reality for a wide range of executives.”

Remote leadership means leading a virtual team and thus positively directing employees, their behaviour, and motivation from afar – always in line with set corporate goals (Avantgarde Experts, 2020). Yet, what are relevant principles for successful remote leadership? I introduce you to three central success factors in this article: trust, flexibility, and creativity.

Three Central Success Factors for Remote Leadership:

 Take-home Message

In conclusion, remote leadership has become even more practised. Three central success principles to lead remotely are trust, flexibility, and creativity. For instance, mutual trust between executives and employees is crucial so that each party accomplishes business goals. Meanwhile, flexibility allows finding a solution regarding the home office theme. At last, creativity is relevant to reshape forms of collaboration, team-building activities, and stakeholder management.